(Discuss in Talk:NVIDIA/Troubleshooting#'/dev/nvidia0' Input/Output error. Reason: Verify that the BIOS related suggestions work and are not coincidentally set while troubleshooting. If the screen still stays black with both the rcutree.rcu_idle_gp_delay=1 kernel parameter and the nvidia module directly in the nf, try re-installing nvidia and nvidia-utils in that order, and finally reload the driver:.You can also try to add the nvidia module directly to your nf.
If you have installed an update of NVIDIA and your screen stays black after launching Xorg, or if shutting down Xorg causes a machine poweroff, try the below workarounds: For more information see GRUB/Tips and tricks#Disable framebuffer.īlackscreen at X startup / Machine poweroff at X shutdown If you get a red screen and use GRUB, disable the GRUB framebuffer by editing /etc/default/grub and uncomment GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT=console.
Xorg fails to load or Red Screen of Death If after installing the NVIDIA driver your system becomes stuck before reaching the display manager, try to disable kernel mode setting. Failure to start System will not boot after driver was installed